Satish Mirle is the co-founder and CEO at MaiaLearning, Inc., a College & Career Planning platform for middle and high schools, used in 65 countries. Satish developed MaiaLearning after his journey with his daughter’s college application process. Satish brings expertise in driving business and technology having worked at companies that include eBay, PayPal and Apple Computers. As a former international student, Satish has had first-hand experience of the hardships of financial constraints. His passion to Pay it Forward has led him to fund the gap for one of the Nepal impacted students. As a founding member of the non-profit, Everest Education Fund continues to help students.
Marie Kobayashi works at MaiaLearning in product development. Prior to her role at MaiaLearning, she was a high school counselor at St. Mary’s International School in Tokyo. Beyond university counseling, Marie has also co-presented suicide prevention workshops across international schools and community centers in Japan. Marie was one of the members of the Nepal Justice League.